Nancy Faris

Honorary Membership (2021)
Dallas College

Nancy has worked for 46 years in higher education. Almost 40 years with Dallas College, the last 20 years as District Director of Academic and Student Records, where she had the smartest, kindest and most productive team ever.

Some significant highlights of hercareer have been her affiliation with TACRAO. The most recent experience was on the TACRAO Executive Committee, 2018-2020. She says, TACRAO taught her so many things. She is naturally very shy and introvert. She found her inner extrovert through TACRAO. A perfect example of "The work will teach you how to do it..."

She hopes to travel, be with friends and laugh a lot.

She provided the following quote: "In three words, I can sum up everything I learned about life: It goes on." (Robert Frost)


Image of Nancy Faris


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